If you consider yourself an amateur chef, a foodie, or if you love hosting family and friends in your home, it’s likely you spend a lot of your time in the kitchen. However, the kitchen can also be a hotbed for unseemly smells from food or dirty dishes. Even if you keep your kitchen spotless, there’s always room to improve the overall scent of your home! Candles are a great way to eliminate food scents from your kitchen as well as create a soothing and homey environment in your living space. If you’re looking for candles to help you eliminate food scents, here are some of the best ones you can use.
Some of the tastiest meals have some of the hardest smells to eliminate or cover up. Cooking fish is a great way for you and your family to get in some lean, tasty protein, but the smell from the aftermath can be a little, well, fishy. If you want to really eliminate the most pungent food scents from your kitchen, opting for a lemon or citrus scented candle is the way to go. The sharpness of a citrus fruit scent is the perfect opponent to those ever-present fish, garlic, or old leftover smells. Plus, lemon and citrus scents will make your home smell freshly cleaned and sanitized. Our Citrus Bliss soy candle is a great place to start. The crisp, juicy citrus aroma with notes of lemon and bittersweet grapefruit will tear through old food smells and leave you with a fresh, energizing scent in your kitchen.
This may sound counter-intuitive, but candles that smell like sweet-scented baked goods can actually help eliminate the more unsavory odors from your kitchen. As an additional benefit, having a baked good scented candle in your kitchen creates a cozy, warm, inviting atmosphere in your kitchen, which is perfect if you’re a frequent host. There are a host of different sweet scents in NaturalAnnie Essential’s Baked Good Collection, so you’re sure to find a pastry smell that suits your home.
- Candles With Seasonal Flair
These are a common favorite in all parts of the home, but candles that play on the current season of the year are a great addition to any kitchen environment. Think of pumpkin candles in the fall, pine or cranberry apple candles in the winter, and fruitier and more floral scented candles in the spring and summer. The delicious-smelling complement to the current season or to the holiday festivity you and your family are celebrating makes food scents a thing of the past. Looking for the perfect pumpkin candle to send your kitchen into autumnal bliss? This Pumpkin Vanilla Nutmeg scented soy candle is like fall in a jar, with notes of allspice and molasses.
The next time your kitchen starts to smell icky, grimy, or just plain blah, reach for one of these scented candles to help eliminate the food smells and infuse your home with positive, good-smelling energy.
1 comment
Terrica Arden
Would love to have this collection to satisfy my scented organic candle obsession. It has effected my health and mood in such great ways that I recommend everyone to try and incorporate some candles or diffused scents in their lifestyle. I personally go for Wool and Indigo to buy my <a href= “https://woolandindigo.com/collections/candles-relax”>soy free candles online and they’re really great for meditation and eradicating pungent smells. I totally recommend this brand, let me know if you guys check it out.